Do you find entering your members’ subscriptions time-consuming ?
With MonAdmin, everything becomes easier !
In fact, it’s your members who create their registrations online and and receive their invoice directly by e-mail.
And best of all, the invoice is automatically integrated
into your accounting system.
What a time-saver !
Catalogue d’activités
Gestion des membres
Activity catalog
Do you offer a range of activities and want to save time when registering your members ? We propose a software program that makes it easy for your customers to register.
In just a few clicks, your customers can consult the activity calendar, check availability and register directly online.
Member management
Does your association, club or company have a large number of members ? It’s not always easy to manage them right ?
With you can easily manage, organize and update your catalog of activities. Add, modify or delete activities, set schedules and prices, and you’re ready to go.
Once your members are registered, you can send them their personalized invoice for the activities they have attended in just a few clicks !
You can also import all payments received into your bank account, saving time on reminders. Our software lets you send them in just 1 click.
Annual fees can also be sent by e-mail in just a few clicks, to avoid postage costs.
Often the nightmare of our companies ! With, you don’t need an additional accounting software – everything is managed and automated in our application.
The founders of
They use
As president of the Sportive in Grimisuat, I’m delighted to have implemented MonAdmin for the club. The cashier’s tasks have been greatly facilitated by the software. We’re absolutely enchanted by our choice.
Thank you
LA SPORTIVE Gymnastics Society, Grimisuat
I use for the Ladies’ Society of Crans-sur-Sierre, which currently has 84 members.
With the list of members that has been entered into the accounts simply exported and added (two clicks) I have all the addresses and e-mails of the ladies.
I need to send the membership fees: it’s easy, I just write the text and add the bank details with this software, I send it by e-mail to all the ladies and that’s it.
When I receive the contribution, I select the name and specify the date of payment, and my accounting is up to date.
For our outing, it’s the same: I select the ladies who are coming to the outing, write a text with the bank details, select the e-mail and it’s sent.
It’s really easy to understand for an amateur like me, and Dève customizes the software to suit every need.
It’s really very practical.
Thank you Dève and Laurence and much success to
“I managed in 1 hour to catch up with the accounting up to March. Thank you very much for this life-changing software “
LA FANFARE DE L’AVENIR from Grimisuat Champlan
Travaillons ensemble !
Nous serions ravis de vous aider et de répondre à toutes vos questions.
Que vous souhaitiez obtenir des informations supplémentaires, voir une démonstration du programme, ou simplement nous faire part de vos suggestions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.
Nous sommes à votre disposition par téléphone au 078 811 38 82 ou par e-mail