We’re here for you
Laurence Roux
Hello, I’m Laurence, business IT specialist, member of several committees and Dève’s wife.
Qui suis-je pour MonAdmin.ch ?
It was when Dève saw me spending hours creating invoices for the La Sportive gym that he thought of creating MonAdmin.ch to simplify my life, and I can guarantee that it has ! Over the months, he’s added new features and his desire to improve is constant.
Since it’s such a great time-saver, we thought we’d share it with as many people as possible. So, as the first user of the software, I have only one piece of advice to give you: “Try it and you’ll adopt it !
Dève Roux
I’m a HES software engineer, and graduated from the Yverdon school in 2003. My diploma work consisted of a construction site management software program, including cost prices, workers’ hours and stock management for our family business. This application ran for over 20 years, until the company was sold. Even back then, it was a forerunner, enabling workers to enter their hours on cell phones (which arrived a little later).
I also trained in business management and accounting at the Sierre School of Management.
La création de MonAdmin.ch
Watching my wife spend hours, exhausted, typing up every single registration ticket for a local gym, I thought I’d create a little program for her. And so the adventure began in 2023. In September 2023, the first gymnasts were able to use my program. What a thrill ! Since then, I’ve had only one desire: to add new features to make it an essential tool for clubs, associations and small businesses.
Où est développé MonAdmin.ch
Developed in Valais using the latest technologies, the software is based, on the server side, on the Django framework, with a PostgreSQL data management system, and on the client side, the web application is written with Angular.
All data is stored in Switzerland with our partner Swisscenter.
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Travaillons ensemble !
Nous serions ravis de vous aider et de répondre à toutes vos questions.
Que vous souhaitiez obtenir des informations supplémentaires, voir une démonstration du programme, ou simplement nous faire part de vos suggestions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.
Nous sommes à votre disposition par téléphone au 078 811 38 82 ou par e-mail info@monadmin.ch.